Case Management

Young Black woman with soft kind smile and hands folded over hear heart

Our case managers are here to coordinate all the different kinds of help you might need to get back on your feet. All of our services are free.

We’re here with you—on your side—to talk about your options, offer advice and help you get what you need. You’re in control and there is no pressure.

If you need support in a language other than English, please let us know. ROAR has a native Spanish speaker on staff, plus access to interpreter services for other languages.

Se habla Español

Lee más información sobre ROAR y conoce tus derechos!

Interpreters are available to help in other languages. Please ask!

We can help you arrange support for

  • Emergency and long-term housing
  • Address shielding
  • Job assistance
  • Childcare
  • Counseling for your children
  • Transportation
  • School concerns
  • Government benefits (e.g. money to compensate crime victims)
  • …and more
we can help you regardless of your immigration status. you do not have to report the crime to police.

Check out our free self-help resources available to everyone.

What can you
do next?

If you qualify for our free services (or don't know if you qualify)
We're sorry, but ROAR is not accepting new clients at this time.

Questions? Visit our contact page to send us an email or find our address.

If you need assistance, check out our free online
self-help resources