Our Impact

Treating survivors of crime with respect creates lasting impact

Baltimore City’s problems with crime and violence reflect decades of intergenerational trauma, systemic racism, and disinvestment in our neighborhoods, youth and families. Baltimore City cannot arrest and prosecute its way out of this—answering violence rooted in oppression with more violence and oppression.

ROAR’s community-based, survivor-centered approach intentionally builds the foundation of trust, respect, and healing necessary to address crime in ways traditional law enforcement can’t.

Community-based violence intervention (CVI) programs…have tremendous potential to save lives and address the contributing factors to gun violence in communities. In fact, the implementation of violence interruption programs was associated with a 63 percent decrease in gun shooting victimization in South Bronx, New York, and a 43 percent reduction in gun-related deaths and assaults in Richmond, California.” view source

Jahdziah St. Julien, Center for American Progress

Our programs and partnerships create opportunities for residents to recover from trauma and avoid violence both in the short term and in the years to come. The impact ripples outward as people heal to become stronger parents, family members, co-workers, and members of the community less prone to using or suffering from violence.

Where cities are seeing success, they’re generally investing in a balanced approach that includes policing but … also supports community-based approaches.… They have recognized the need for enforcement but also emphasize prevention and intervention.”

Thomas Abt, director of the Center for the Study and Practice of Violence Reduction at the University of Maryland

Survivors receiving treatment are less likely to be re-hospitalized or incarcerated, saving city and state governments millions in health care and incarceration costs.

A 2006 study of hospital-based violence intervention programs found that only 5% of participating patients who received intervention were re-hospitalized, compared with 36% of non-participants. Reducing rehospitalization was associated with an estimated $598,000 health care cost savings. Program participants were four times less likely to be convicted of a violent crime. This saved the state approximately $1.25 million in incarceration costs. (Source: National League of Cities).

Two Black women smiling
since our founding in 2019, ROAR has served nearly
survivors of crime in baltimore city
In 2023
ROAR supported
Individual survivors of crime in baltimore city
more than
of roar clients have survived violent crime
of roar clients were Black
of roar clients IDENTIFIED AS WOMEN
of roar clients RECEIVED wraparound SERVICES
of roar clients RECEIVED health care management services
of roar clients RECEIVED group or individual therapy

I just wanna take time out and say I really appreciate everything you and the ROAR center have had my back on. Lord knows where I’d be without y'all. Peace and blessings and keep up the great work.

George R., Former ROAR Client

I'd like to send an enormous THANK YOU to the entire ROAR team for the work you have done to support my client. Both she and I are eternally grateful for all that you have done. We were reflecting on how far she has come since we first started working together. We could not have made such strides without ROAR. So please let your entire team know how grateful we are for you and for all the fantastic work you do in our community!

Emily Blattner, M.Ed., LMSW, Social Worker