Get Help

Young Black man cuddling and reading a picture book to a Black infant child.
Surviving a violent crime puts you through some of the worst times of your life. We're here to support you and your family through it, one step at a time.
You might need legal help, but it doesn’t stop there. The crime and its aftermath can impact your mental health, physical health, housing, job, family and overall quality of life. Everything's connected.
At the ROAR Center, we support you as a whole person and treat you with respect. We empower you with guidance and tools to work toward recovery across all aspects of your life.
You’re in control of your own decisions and healing.

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How Can We

The ROAR Center provides a range of free legal services, holistic support, health care management and mental health services tailored to survivors of crime—all in one place, in multiple languages.
Legal Services
Legal advice and representation during the criminal justice process and other areas that are often impacted when you experience crime. Protective orders and restraining orders.
Wraparound Support
Help accessing support for all aspects of your life, from housing and employment, to transportation, childcare and more.
Group and Individual Therapy
Peer support and one-on-one counseling to support your mental health and personal goals.
Health Care Management
Our nurses help you access medical services and make sure you can make informed decisions about your health care.
Know Your Rights Education
You have the right to be treated with dignity and respect by law enforcement and court personnel. Learn about your legal rights and options for enforcing them.

My mom asked me why I thought ROAR was different from other places. I had to think about it for a minute, but then I realized it was because they truly listened. They cared about what I thought, what I wanted. They never told me what to do but were always there to “walk alongside me” as I figured it out.

Janelle P., ROAR Client

Young black woman with long braids leaning to the side with positive expression and arms folded.

Who Can We

You qualify for our free services if:

  • You survived a crime that happened in Baltimore City, Maryland.
  • You live in Baltimore City, regardless of your immigration status.
  • Your income is less than $70,000 per year (add $5,000 per year for each child or other dependent).
we can help you regardless of your immigration status. you do not have to report the crime to police.

ROAR stayed with me throughout the entire ordeal. I think I worked with everybody there. This one helped me with housing, this one with my medical issues, and this one with my veterans’ benefits. Then there was my lawyer. She took care of a whole lot. I so appreciate each and every one of those “angels.”

Ernesto H., Former ROAR Client

¿Necesitas Ayuda?

If you qualify for our free services (or don't know if you qualify)
We're sorry, but ROAR is not accepting new clients at this time.

Questions? Visit our contact page to send us an email or find our address.

If you need assistance, check out our free online
self-help resources

Who Can We

You qualify for our free services if:

  • You survived a crime that happened in Baltimore City, Maryland.
  • You live in Baltimore City, regardless of your immigration status.
  • Your income is less than $70,000 per year (add $5,000 per year for each child or other dependent).