Legal Services

Hispanic man with backwards baseball cap, tattoos and a serious expression hugs a little boy who's smiling.

Finding your way through the legal system can be confusing and scary. Legal issues often affect different parts of your life such as your housing, job, school—even getting back your belongings after the crime.

The system is set up to make you feel small and powerless. People might try to take advantage of your situation or push you into choices that aren’t right for you.

We help you understand your rights and options, speak up for yourself, and navigate through your legal issues. Our services are free.

You might also be worried about immigration problems and what might happen to your immigration status if you’ve been part of a crime, even if you were the victim.

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Our lawyers can help you with:

  • Legal advice
  • Helping you understand your rights and choices
  • Representing you in court
  • Representing you to others (e.g. hospital staff, your landlord, employer, insurance company) to protect your legal rights
  • Restraining orders and protective orders
  • Immigration issues (e.g. U Visas, T Visas)
  • Legal filings, forms and claims
  • Other legal needs
we can help you regardless of your immigration status. you do not have to report the crime to police.

Check out our free self-help resources available to everyone.

What can you
do next?

If you qualify for our free services (or don't know if you qualify)
We're sorry, but ROAR is not accepting new clients at this time.

Questions? Visit our contact page to send us an email or find our address.

If you need assistance, check out our free online
self-help resources